Friday, February 4, 2011

I made it through my first Bikram double

Another first for me today.  After all the things I expressed in my last post, and Shannon asks me if I want to take the 4:30pm Bikram class with her.  Keeping in mind I had already taken the 9am class and had eaten a rather large and delicious Hawaiian BBQ lunch... let's just say I was hesitant.

The 60 Day Challenge is not necessarily 60 Classes, one a day.  If you miss a class one day, you can make it up by doing a double on another day.  I had talked about doing doubles to make up for me more then likely bailing on weekend classes to have a personal life and whatnot.  It's the first week and I already KNOW I am missing tomorrow.  Sunday I am really only going cause my not-boy-friend is playing golf in the morning so I decided to sneak in a class before the Super Bowl parties begin.  Other weekends, who knows what I am doing, but I had kind of already dismissed them as non Bikram days.

Driving to the studio this afternoon, I started to doubt myself.  What in the hell was I thinking???  I was going to pass out, or worse... vomit chicken katsu everywhere.  Hitting every red light on the way, it seemed like the universe was telling me to turn around, return home, and watch The Tudors in my pajamas.  But I didn't listen to the universe... what's it ever done for me anyway?  I went.  I walked in the studio and there was Shannon with her happy smiling face with a place set up for me and kind words and tons of encouragement.  AND I DID IT!  The whole 90 minutes.  I did not once sit out a posture.  I worked just as hard as I did at the morning class.  And I feel great. 

And now... next time I miss a class... I KNOW I can make it up with a double!  I can DO THIS!!!  And I am doing it for me!

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