Thursday, July 14, 2011

Its all fun and games and then your computer explodes...

If you've read what little I have blogged... you will know I have some crap luck.  I have come to the conclusion that I am cursed. I am not sure which entity or diety or divinity I have pissed off, but life is continuing on getting crappier and crappier.

I infected the computer I borrowed for my boy with some nasty virus (I am once again lacking computer and wow withdrawls are starting to give me the shakes).  The cyst on my coccyx is back and in need of an appontment for removal (there is a 50% chance to get these again when you've already had one removed... so yea).  My roommate informed me she was leaving (this one might not be so bad...).  Fights all around.  Pain in the body...  I'm over it.

But ya know what they say.... at least you've got your health.... oh.... wait..................... 

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