Tuesday, June 7, 2011


You know those days where you just want to laugh and cry and run around screaming all at the same time...

Let's just say my day started with a bang..... By being rear ended at 8am right across the street from my work.  I have this instinct of looking in my rear view mirror anytime I slow down or stop.  It stemmed from two rear end collisions in my life as well as a general lack of trust in the entire human population of planet earth.  So I am in the right hand lane to turn right with about 7 cars ahead of me stopped at a light that had JUST turned green.  I slow to a stop with plenty of room and look in my rear window just in time to see a guy in the left hand lane swerve into the right hand lane in front of the car behind me.  I had exactly enough time to think, "shit, that guy is goi....."  and WHAM!  Right in to the back of me.  Tires squealing, metal crunching, neck whip-lashing.  I pulled to the side of the street and he followed.  He was actually quite nice and forthcoming.  I wrote down EVERY bit of information I could derive from insurance, drivers license, and car registration.  And we went on our way.  I was so shaken... literally shaking.  I've been in accidents, but never as the driver in a one on one situation with my accidenter.  I had no idea what I was supposed to do.  Perhaps call the police.  Take pictures of the damage.  I don't know.  All these thoughts were going through my head and all I could think was... god damnit, I just want to get to work... 

I don't like that heart pounding, hand shaking feeling.  Not when it is in a non controlled instance.  Those feelings are fine when I am at Disneyland staring at the goat on Big Thunder.  But damnit all if I want that on a daily basis and unbeknownst to my.

Now I have to wait and see how the guy wants to handle things....  but I can feel my neck getting tighter... even through the Tylenol/Codine I just swallowed.........................

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