Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Obsession with the BBC

It took me a LONG time to hop on the BBC Bandwagon.  Doctor Who was something that was whispered to me from the distance by my nerdier friends...  However over the last few months I have caught myself up and grown a new obsession.  I have found that just having something going in the back ground helps my knitting.  So now, instead of sitting and watching TV with a snack... I sit watching TV while I knit.  I have rapidly ran out of things to watch... until I started in on the BBC shows available on Netflix Instant.  Boy have I been missing out!!!!

First I started Doctor Who.  Netflix didn't have the orignal serieses, so I've only seen the last three Doctors... but I so badly want to see a TARDIS appear in my front yard and some sexy man in a bow tie (and even a fez) to come and take me away to travel in time and space...  Who wouldn't want that offer!  Each Doctor is loved for their own reasons, and each companion is as well.  It's funny now watching regular movies I used to love I now find myself waiting for a TARDIS to pop up in the background.  A Sonic Screwdriver would have taken care of those pesky zombies in 28 Days Later in no time!  So here is to me waiting in anticipation of the upcoming series..........  Ever so patiently..............................

Next up and in due time I got through Torchwood.  For those who don't know, Captain Jack was a character originally from Doctor Who.  The whole story is that Torchwood was designed by the British government as a way to patrol and stop the Doctor.  Torchwood itself is a little more risque then the Doctor.  A lot more sex.  Even cursing!  It's always so funny as an American to watch television from England when they start dropping curse-bombs left and right....  it's just so freeing!  The Torchwood group helps to police the life forms coming to Earth through a rift in time and space.  Alien invasions and ghosts.  Super cool secret lab.  Creepy weevils from the sewers.  It was an entertaining show in itself,  but it did not develop a place of fondness and longing in my heart like the Doctor.

Oh Sherlock!  Benedict Cumberbatch (you have to be British with a name like that) is so yummy in this revamp of Sherlock Holmes that I couldn't help but immediately fall in love.  It's set in modern day London, Watson is just back from Afghanistan and Sherlock uses texts and emails to keep up to date with Scotland Yard.  Everything else is pure Doyle.  The show uses great cinematography to really show the world as Holmes sees it as he works on a case.  Cumberbatch (GOD! I love that name) is wonderful in the socially awkward shoes of the genius detective.

I had watched a few episodes of Merlin when NBC aired it in America during that annoying writers strike a few years back.  I plan on restarting it in the coming days and watching what I can.  I enjoyed watching it before and have no reason to think I won't enjoy it now.  Especially since now Merlin will always be remembered as playing Jethro Crane from the episode of Doctor Who on the creepy planet of Midnight.

And after that.... Robin Hood......
Oh BBC... you have stolen my heart with your campy characters, entertaining shows, and wonderfully yummy actors.........  keep it coming.... I'll be watching!!!

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