Thursday, March 1, 2012

February 2012

Oh February is gone.... and with it Valentines Day and a very special Leap Day!  Life goes on......  And so does the hair....... 

I've still not dyed it.... My boss keeps bringing it up and so I know she isn't happy about it... but I am actually really excited to have a new 'do!  Even if new just means bringing back the old... or original.... or whatever.  

The second week of the month I went to visit my good friends and past co-workers at Salon DeLaCruz in Pasadena, CA.  I got a little cut.  Nothing crazy, just cut off about 5 inches of dead hair.  Now it's multi-colored but in a cute little bob. It feels so nice and healthy and I love it!!!

You can always tell when I forget to take my picture on Friday.... Like every week this month.  Randomly snapping a shot at work.....  But hey..... I gotta stay true to the resolution................

And there you have it... Me in February 2012.  The month itself wasn't too crazy.  Just working... and surviving... Working and surviving.  More to come in March.... Oooohhhh.... I can't wait!!!!!!

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