Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back to Reality

     You know when you have so much going on in your life, it's just nice to get away from it all?  May I recommend doing just that...  This was taken from my aunt's property in Snowflake, Arizona.  It's 40 acres of nooks and crannies to explore, miles from anywhere.  No cell service.  No nothing.  I spent 4 days with my best friend, hiking, riding horses, collecting meteorites and petrified wood, shooting soda cans with rifles, relaxing, and not thinking about any of what awaited me in Los Angeles...

     Driving back yesterday, wasn't stressful... until we crossed that Colorado River and entered California.  Almost immediately... Gas was $1 more then it was just 5 miles back...  People started driving like assholes...  I literally reached the 210 and started having panic attacks at the amount of cars weaving in and out of traffic at speeds much too high.  Got home... looking forward to a glass of water and watching a movie to fall asleep to... Walk in my living room and there is plastic hanging from the ceiling (at least my landlord is FINALLY fixing the leak in the roof from our last big LA storm) and my roommate informs me we are out of toilet paper (but we have kleenex so apparently everything is fine)...

     I have been off the grid for 4 days.  No contact with friends or family aside from those I was with.  No facebook.  No twitter.  No email or cell phone.  I had been home for 15 minutes and already I am thinking about hopping back in the car and driving back the 10 hours to be back without all those things I thought I so desperately missed.  Even now... updating my facebook, twitter, and blog, like there is any one who actually cares about what I write here... I am laughing at myself for doing it.  I could quite literally move to the boonies of Arizona and be perfectly happy.  I would have internet access... there are companies providing 'High Speed Access to ALL of Arizona'.  I could keep in touch with everyone I care about and goodness knows they would all be more then welcome to visit me wherever it is I settle...

     Could you imagine it?  A house.  Acres of empty land around you.  A water tank and windmill and solar panels...  A generator for when those aren't enough to power what you have going.  A couple horses.  A couple dogs.  A couple guns.  A large collection of books.  What more do you need???  I could definitely live like that.

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