Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Day in My Unemployed Shoes

7:15am - Wake up
8:00am - Alarm finally goes off     (note:  time spent between waking up and when alarm goes off is normally spent perusing the internet and playing World Of Warcraft)
8:30am - Start water warm up for shower after patiently waiting for roommate to be done with the bathroom
9:15am - Complete morning ritual, including showering, brushing teeth, dressing, hair and make-up
9:30am - Visit Anticoagulation Clinic at Huntington Hospital for INR test     (note:  appointment takes about 10-15 minutes and costs be around $180 every time I go in.  The real miracle is getting out before the 30 minutes parking time is up so I don't have to pay $5 for parking.)
9:45am - Rush back home to shave legs and get more dressed up for impending interview.
9:46am - Check mailbox for mail and receive letter from USPS letting me know that a letter was 'inadvertently damaged'.   Freak out because it was my unemployment claim form.
9:49am - Calm down.  Email EDD regarding replacement form.
10:00am - Leave house way to early for interview.
10:15am - Decide to visit mom at work on the way to waste time.
10:20am - Mom isn't working.  Get back in car and continue on to interview.
10:45am - Park at 412 N. Santa Anita Ave in hopes of finding where I am interviewing so I am not late.
11:15am - Realize that interview is being held at 610 N. Santa Anita Ave.  Rush to car, drive a few blocks north, park at business.
11:29am - Get to interview with minutes to spare.  Relax, breath, smile.  Nail it!!!  (note:  I do not know if I "nailed it!!!"  But I would like to think I did.)
11:45am - Conclude interview.  Return to car.  Drive around talking myself out of going places.  End up at Target to get toilet paper.  $45 toilet paper...
12:02pm - Remember to take coumadin on time (almost)
12:57pm - Return home.  Fix ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.  Return to computer in room for perusing of internet and playing World of Warcraft.
3:48pm - Become bored of everything and begin writing blog.  Write blog on how boring day has been. 
3:57pm - Post blog.

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