Thursday, January 13, 2011

Finding a job... in this day and age...

     December 23, 2010.  The company I had a pretty awesome job with was bought out by another, much larger company.  New company decided to sack all employees but one, two days before Christmas.  Well, I thought I would have myself a nice vacation.  Take the week off between Christmas and New Year and enjoy myself.  I would find a job in the beginning of January and all would be right with the world...  Right?

     It is now January 12, 2011, and still no prospects.  Now, I'll be the first to admit that there hasn't been a whole lot of searching.  I am not desperate enough to be out pounding the streets looking for any old minimum wage, restaurant job I can get.  Not yet anyway.  And I have been dealing with a lot of health issues that have hindered the whole stomping the pavement in the search.  However, I have been putting my resumes in to "respectable" companies, looking for some sort of office admin position.

     The problem is, I don't want to go back to retail.  I had a taste of the office life... and I liked it!  I want to have to look nice and have my own desk and take actual lunch breaks.  Is that so much to ask for?  The only problem I have with attaining these goals, is that I have no "experience" in the industry per say.  So potential employers look at my resume and go... OK, retail, retail, restaurant, retail, customer service, no thank you.

     I know that I could be amazing at the jobs I am applying for.  Office assistant at an elementary school.  Office admin for a firm in Pasadena.  I just need some soul to give me a freaking chance in their office.  I have great phone skills.  Am ridiculously organized.  Competent with a computer.  I'm not an idiot.  Common sense and what not are in order.  So what gives?

     I'm bored.  I feel useless and unwanted.  And for that matter, grossly under-qualified.  Just because I can't speak three different languages I shouldn't even bother applying.  Nice.  Give me a chance and I will rock the pants off that office job.  But until I have experience I won't even be considered.  What kind of fucked up Catch-22 is this?

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