Monday, January 24, 2011

Must be Bilingual (rant)

As if finding a job wasn't hard enough...  Many of the places advertising decent jobs require the applicant to be bilingual.  Fluent in Spanish or Chinese seems to be the more prevalent desired language.  I'm not trying to be racist or anything, but this is America.  Right?  The national language is English??    I feel that hiring someone based on the fact that they are bilingual should be included up there with other -isms.  Languageism should be made a real thing and then fought to be eradicated.  If you can't turn me down for a job based on my race, sex, age, etc, I don't think you should be able to simply because I don't speak two languages.  Don't get me wrong.  I would LOVE to be able to speak another language.  I took 3 semesters of Spanish in high school and college and it didn't stick in my brain.  Perhaps if I was able to use it in everyday use everyday it would have worked better.  But I didn't, and so it didn't and here I am.  If I was going to move to a country where English wasn't the national language (and let's face it, the list of countries that speak English is quite long) I would do my darndest to learn whatever language they speak.  I would not expect the locals or natives or whatever you want to call them to bend to me because I am more special.  I'm not.  It's their country and their language and I will do everything I can to fit in and live among them.  This is NOT the case with many Americans.  OK, OK, OK.. America is the "melting pot".  A place for people from other countries to come and live a better life.  But how do you expect to come to a country and not even bother trying to learn the language??  We end up with these factions in our cities, Little Italy, Chinatown, Filipinotown, Alhambra...  Places where groups of people of the same decent can live and work and shop among their own kind.  I don't mind you having your own places to go with people that are like you.  Just don't turn me down for a job because people don't care enough about learning the language of the country they live in.  If people are so proud to be Americans maybe they can put a little effort into it.

1 comment:

  1. haha...I literally just wrote my dad a 2 page angry letter about this...FUCK BEING BILINGUAL!!!! So Lame.
