Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So Here's the Thing...

Since October of 2009, my life has been one big huge piece of crap.

     In October, I started having breathing issues and it was all down hill from there.  First it was bronchial spasms that were so bad it felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest with an ice pick any time I took the smallest of breaths.  UrgentCare gave me some steroids and an inhaler, and I was fine within the week.

     One week after that I couldn't walk upright or sit down without being in intense pain.  I thought it was from an old snowboarding tail bone injury.  Turns out it was an infected cyst.  A Pilonidal cyst (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilonidal_cyst) to be exact, or two of them to be even more so.  Right on my tail bone, like growths coming out the top of my butt crack.  Getting those removed was the most painful experience I had ever had (up to that point in life anyway, don't worry, it gets better). Not to mention the pain and antibacterial meds they had prescribed me made it so I couldn't keep food down for 5 days.  It was great in jump starting my metabolism and making me lose a bunch of weight though, so I won't be too mad about that.

     About a month after that, those same pesky and utterly painful breathing issues came back.  Only thing was, this time, it wasn't just bronchial spasms.  They sent me to the ER so I could have a cat scan and blood work done.  I had a freaking blood clot.  Three to be exact.  One in my leg, a rather large one that had made it swell up and become difficult to walk on.  And two, smaller ones, that had broken off from the leg clot and moved up into my lungs.  So THAT'S what that pesky breathing issue was caused by.  Hm, good to know.
That's me, 28 years old, a week before Thanksgiving, and I am holed up in hospital because of some slim chance disease for geriatrics.  GREAT!  I had a DVT [Deep Vein Thrombosis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVT)] and a PE [Pulmonary Embolism(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_embolism)].

     They put me on Coumadin (Warfarin).  I had to go to the hospital every week or so to have a blood test so that they could make sure that my blood was performing well on the medication.  What a pain in the ass.  It affects everything in life.  You can't drink (I did anyway).  You can't eat certain foods that are too high in vitamin K (I never really ate those anyway).  You have to take the pill every day at the same time.  HUGE pain in the ass.  Ten months I was on it, until August 2010.  Then we rescanned the leg and the clot was gone!  GONE!!  Excellent.  Life was gonna get better...

     Well fuck.  Two weeks after the wonderful news, while enjoying my first Philippe's famous French Dip, my tooth began to ache.  Oh yeah...  Had my first wisdom tooth/cavity/tooth extraction all in one.  That was awesome too.  All well, had to happen sometime I suppose.

     November rolls around and wham!  My leg is swollen and hurting and I am back in the ER for that same damn thing.  Cat scans and blood tests and peeing in cups, oh my!  Well fuck my life all over again.  Last time they assumed, due to my age and birth control use, that it was a simple mess up with the birth control.  No more oral contraceptives for me, I can live with that.  This time, they have no idea WHAT'S going on.  Why would it come back?  I don't know.  Let's run a bunch of really obscure blood tests that even the nurses are wondering about to try and figure it out.  GREAT!  I felt like an episode of House, except my medical issue wasn't tied up neatly in a hot little Hugh Lorie package within the hour.  Nope.  I'll probably be on Coumadin for life.  All those tests they ran, came back negative.  They still have no idea what is going on or why I am getting these clots.  Some weird blood anomaly apparently.  Well hell.  Thanks alot modern medicine.

     December 2010 started a whole new batch of issues with my body and health.  Issues that I am dealing with right now.  I would go into them, but they are still to personal and emotional, so for now...  That is my medical history up to date.  And don't forget, that is just from October of 2009...  AND this is only my health, I haven't even gotten to the personal and professional part of the last few years.  I will save that for another blog.

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